
Jesus Paid the Ultimate Sacrifice for your sins. He gave HIS life. Now I don’t know about you, but it would be really hard for me to give my life for some stranger living in sin- I mean, I love people like they are all my family, but to give my life for them….. that’s a hard one. Jesus didn’t have to think long on it at all. As a matter of fact, in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed “Not my will, but Yours be done” to the father and so it was- the sacrifice was made for you and me. Jesus went to hell and took back the keys to death, hell and the grave- for YOU! Do you see how important you are to Him? He loves you with an everlasting love! One that cannot be shaken. He sees all and knows all and STILL loves you!!!

So saying all that, let me now tell you this: You cannot change the past: it’s history! If the answers to your dilemmas were behind you, you wouldn’t be in the mess you’re in right now. Naturally speaking, the actions of your past are written on the pages of the history of your life, but you cannot change that. You cannot change what you did yesterday, but you CAN change your future! Your tomorrow can be changed because your answer is right in front of you. His name is Jesus Christ! Ask for forgiveness for the things that have caused grief in you life and let them go. Leave them IN YOUR PAST! Move forward in the newness of God. He is the author and the finisher of our faith! What does that mean? Have faith in Him- give Him your heart and he will complete every good thing in you that he started when He created you in your mothers womb.

Psalms 91:15 says: He shall call upon me and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and bring honor to him. Do you hear what the Lord is saying to you this day? Call upon the name of the Lord- He will hear you and DELIVER you out of your trouble! This is a new day for you. This a year of blessing and great things are coming- to them that believe!
When the enemy comes against you and starts lying to you telling you things that you know you have been forgiven for- simply tell him this:
Devil- Jesus thinks I am ‘to die for’!!!!